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For enquiry, please contact:
Ir Reginald Chong

PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer 名仕潛水員訓練官

SDI Specialty Instructor 專長教練

​Registered Professional Engineer 注冊專業工程師
Chartered Environmentalist 英國


Mobile: +852 9234 9588


IG: reginaldchong

WeChat: reginaldchong

潛水訓練課程 Scuba Diving Training Course:

- 開放水域潛水員 Open Water Diver 

- 進階開放水域潛水員 Advanced Open Water Diver 

救援潛水員 Rescue Diver

- 名仕潛水員 Master Scuba Diver 

- 潛水長 Divemaster 


專長課程Specialty Course:

- 側掛氣瓶潛水員 Sidemount Diver

- 高氧空氣潛水員 Enriched Air

- 緊急第一反應員 Emergency First Response

數碼水底攝影師 Digital Underwater Photographer

搜索尋回潛水員 Search & Recovery Diver

深潛潛水員 Deep Diver

- 夜潛潛水員 Night Diver

- 頂尖中性浮力 Peak Performance Buoyancy

環保計畫 Project Aware

珊瑚礁保育 AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

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Check out our latest video about learning to scuba dive with PADI. Want to start right now?


Begin your PADI Open Water Diver Course. If you have ever thought about becoming a certified PADI Diver, this video gives you a quick teaser of what you can expect.

Check out the latest video about continuing your diving adventure with PADI.


If you have ever thought about taking your PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course, PADI Enriched Air Diver course, or PADI Rescue Diver course this video gives you an idea of what you can expect. These courses will help you achieve the PADI Master Scuba Diver rating!

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© Reginald Chong Underwater Photography.

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